New Website Bike Competition

We’re regularly inundated with images of reader’s custom motorcycles, far to many to share with you in copies of Cafe Racer magazine. During one of our staff’s routine pints and pondering sessions, some bright bulb happened upon the idea of featuring the choicest, sweetest home-built cafe specials on a dedicated website page. Not only will Cafe Racer Magazine’s Bike of the Month be featured on our web page where it will be viewed by tens of thousands of punters from around the globe, the monthly winner will receive  a bulging gift bag from us filled with groovy swag including DVDs of the Velocity series “Cafe Racer” and “Naked Speed” but T-shirts, key fobs, back issues and more. Send your high res (1 MB minimum) color jpeg photos along with a few graphs of technical details of your ride (plus your T-shirt size and home mailing address) to us at The first winner will appear on Thursday, December 1.

Sierra Exif JPEG

Got a custom machine of this sort of way-gone style and performance. Send it our way!