Classy BD’s Cycles paint adorns this timeless Honda four. Your bike could be next.

With so many of this year’s motorcycle events cancelled or postponed, it’s a bright spot for ton-up aficionados to know our 13th Annual Reader’s Ride-In Custom Show is still a go for Sunday, August 16. This year’s gathering at Sewickley’s War Memorial park promises to be a full house with so many custom bike fans denied the chance to assemble en masse to check out the latest trends in one-off speed bikes. We’re already lining up some awesome attractions for the day including tech seminars from some of the magazine’s well-loved contributors, live aftermarket parts and accessories demonstrations from a few of our advertisers and, we’re proud to announce, a Grand Prize fit for a custom biking king. Our friends at South Carolina’s BD’s Cycles has pitched in with a free custom paint job for one lucky punter who’s wheels roll away with 2020’s Best In Show trophy. Regular readers of CRM should be familiar with the work of Brian Dwight who is a renowned expert in everything from imaginative murals, unique, race-inspired cafe spray jobs and even replicating factory finishes from motorcycling’s history.

Brian promises the winner of this year’s Grand Prize need simply ship their motorcycle’s bodywork his way with a description (or photos) of what sort of paint they have in mind and he’ll handle the rest. Naturally, the winning bike’s new look will be featured in an upcoming issue, so get those wrenches spinning!