Fierce Females Wanted For Royal Enfield Racing

Royal Roadracers Following the success of their flatrack training and racing program, Royal Enfield North America has launched phase two of their Build, Train, Race program for 2021. This time, a select few, very lucky female riders will be chosen to race tricked-out,...

One Big, Bad Beemer

Ther’s been much antocipation surrounding BMW’s entry into the very popular factory bobber market. Triumph’s speedy Bonneville Bobber has been a brisk seller worldwide and we first announced the German manufacturer would be following suit with a...

Two Cylinder Time Capsule

Some truly strange things have been re-discovered under dusty drop-cloths in the back storage rooms of motorcycle dealerships. A guy we know, Chris Gatto owns the positively incredible Cycle Warehouse retail shop in nearby Butler, PA. an overstock hoarder’s...

End of The (Cycle) World

As a print magazine publisher, you nevedr want to see our diminishing field shrink any further than it already has. However, it is with very mixed feelings I report the announcement that long-running periodical “Cycle World” magazine has ceased publishing...

Help For Your Addictions

Longtime CRM contributor Blair Powell shared this week’s post with us and in the middle of a double deadline with not one but two issues of Cafe Racer magazine to get ready for the newsstand, it provided a much-needed laugh. It appears that Mr. Powell suffers...

Deus Retrospective

In an age when garages that have produced one or two custom cafe racers court fame and celebrity like reality show contestants, it’s refreshing to meet a builder content to let his work speaks for him. Such a guy is the humble and extraordinarily talented Mike...